Monday, February 24, 2014

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre

On the frigid morning of February 14th, 1929 in an unheated brick garage at 2122 N. Clark St, seven men were lined up against a wall and pumped with 90 bullets from submachine guns, shotguns and a revolver. At about 10:30 a.m. four men burst into the SMC Cartage Co. garage that Moran used for his illegal business. Two of the men were dressed as police officers. They announced a raid and ordered the seven men inside the garage to line up against a wall, then opened fire.The victims killed included Frank "Hock" Gusenberg and his brother, Peter "Goosy" Gusenberg. Four of the other victims were Moran gangsters, but the seventh dead man was Dr. Reinhardt Schwimmer.  


Malcolm X ✊

Malcolm Little better known as Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. Malcolm was appointed as a minister and national spokesman for the Nation of Islam. His charisma, drive and conviction attracted a large amount of new amounts. He was featured in a week long television special in 1959 called "The Hate That Hate Produced". The television special explored the NOI (Nation Of Islam) and Malcolm's emergance as one of the NOI's most important leaders. In March 1964 Malcolm terminated his relationship with the NOI. Malcolm decided to find his own religious organization, the Muslim Mosque Inc. That same year Malcolm went on a trip to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Malcolm shared his thoughts and beliefs with different cultures and found the response to be overwhelmingly positive. Malcolm said that he had met "blonde haired, blue eyed men I could call my brothers." He returned to the United States with a new outlook on integration and a new hope for the future. When Malcolm spoke instead of just speaking to African Americans, he had a message for all races.

I choose Malcolm X because he was headed on the wrong path but he completely turned his life around.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's Your Zodiac Sign?


Key characteristics: Security-conscious, resolute, sensual, dependable, faithful, secure, proud, obstinate and decisive. 

   My birthday is April 27th and I am a Taurus. I agree with most of the characteristics of my zodiac sign. I agree with the characteristics because they are alike to my personality. I am a very dedicated person, people are able to put their trust in me, once I have made my mind up about something it's very hard to get me to change my mind and I don't fear poverty but I do want to be stable.


   Characteristics: Honorable, philantrophic, determined, optimistic, sincere, sociable.
   I agree with these characteristics because they are also alike to my personality. 

   February 24, 2014: You’re likely to receive a windfall of some sort today. Be cautious with it, Taurus. If you invest it wisely, it will serve you long and well. Your curiosity has been piqued about some rather esoteric subjects, perhaps the dark arts. Why not visit your local library to check out some books on these topics of interest?

Friday, February 7, 2014

About Me

I was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. I live with my mother, step-father, grandmother, my two sisters Adalyse and Khalyse, my dog Jack, and my guinea pig snowball. I now live in Hartford but I don't like it here because most of my family lives in Massachusetts. Also Hartford is such a small town, everyone knows each other. I am very passionate about becoming successful. I want nothing but the best for myself therefore I strive for it. Without my family I would not be the person I am today; because of my family I am ambitious, smart, and independent. In the future I hope to finish school and become a registered nurse because I enjoy helping others. In order for me to accomplish my goals I have to graduate from high school (℅ 2014) then go to college for four years and graduate from there as well. I want my blog to be about fashion. I hope that people will gain confidence just from reading my blog, as well as learning to accept themselves for who they are.