Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's Your Zodiac Sign?


Key characteristics: Security-conscious, resolute, sensual, dependable, faithful, secure, proud, obstinate and decisive. 

   My birthday is April 27th and I am a Taurus. I agree with most of the characteristics of my zodiac sign. I agree with the characteristics because they are alike to my personality. I am a very dedicated person, people are able to put their trust in me, once I have made my mind up about something it's very hard to get me to change my mind and I don't fear poverty but I do want to be stable.


   Characteristics: Honorable, philantrophic, determined, optimistic, sincere, sociable.
   I agree with these characteristics because they are also alike to my personality. 

   February 24, 2014: You’re likely to receive a windfall of some sort today. Be cautious with it, Taurus. If you invest it wisely, it will serve you long and well. Your curiosity has been piqued about some rather esoteric subjects, perhaps the dark arts. Why not visit your local library to check out some books on these topics of interest?

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