Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"The Best Man Holiday" Movie Review

When college friends reunite after 15 years over the Christmas holidays, they discover how easy it is for long-forgotten rivalries and romances to be reignited. 

The good: The actors, duh! The cast made the movie the great hit that it is. All the characters had different personalities, you didn't know what to expect from them. I also enjoyed the fact that they would throw in a splash of comedy here and there. For example, Quentin Spivey played by Terrence Howard was one character with multiple personalities. He was a comedian but when it came down to being serious for specific parts in the movie he certainly played his role. 

The bad: All though the movie was a hit, there was one thing that I felt could've made the movie better. "The Best Man Holiday" is a sequel to "The Best Man" which came out in 1999 but do you think many people know that? I doubt it. The producers should've showed a little bit of the movie "The Best Man" in the beginning, that way viewers who did not see would not be confused or lost while watching "The Best Man Holiday". 

On a scale from 1-10 I would rate this movie an 8. I would also recommend this movie to both a female and male auidence but to a much older crowd since this movie is rated R. I hope you enjoy watching this movie as much as I did!    

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